
Teaching – Course-Based Undergraduate Research in Microbiology

Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are designed to engage an entire class in a research question within the context of the course itself. I utilise this approach in both of my undergraduate microbiology courses (Molecular Microbiology and Experimental Bacterial Genomics). We focus on isolating and characterizing bacteria that can degrade either naphthalene (a two ring polyaromatic hydrocarbon found in moth balls) or cellulose (a polymer of glucose found in plants). In the fall semester, students in my molecular microbiology class isolate and identify the bacteria. In the spring semester experimental genomics students work to identify the genes encoding PAH or cellulose degradation. In both courses we’re generating new knowledge, which can be a bit daunting (there’s no looking up the right answer!) but is ultimately a lot of fun.

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Source: https://www.southalabamamicrobiology.net/course-based-undergraduate-research-in-microbiology/