
Teaching – Course list

CAS 100 First Year Experience: A course for first-year students majoring in the College of Arts & Sciences that assists with maximizing the student’s potential to achieve academic success and to adjust responsibly to the individual and interpersonal challenges presented by college life. Taught in small groups, the course provides an introduction to the nature of higher education and a general orientation to the functions and resources of the University.

Taught in conjunction with BLY 121 as part of a Biology learning community. The course integrates a semester-long consideration of the biology of plagues. Students contrast a modern plague with the cholera outbreaks in 1840’s London to examine the societal as well as scientific underpinnings of epidemics and pandemics.

BLY 302 Genetics: An introduction to both classical and modern genetic concepts and theory with an emphasis on problem solving.  Topics covered include Mendelian and molecular genetics. Course prerequisites: Grade of ‘C’ or better in BLY 121 & 122 Lecture and Labs and CH115 or CH131.

I employ a “flipped” classroom in this course. Lecture content is delivered via video lectures and we spend our classroom time focused on problem solving.

*BLY 314 Molecular Microbiology (W): Study of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms and their relationship to their environment. Molecular, genetic, and biochemical aspects of each will be emphasized. Prerequisites: Grade of C or higher in BLY 121, 122, 301-303, EH 101 & 102, & CH 131.

*BLY 414 Experimental Bacterial Genomics (W): An integrated lab-lecture course utilizing real-world research experiences to explore the molecular genetics and genomics of bacteria. Students will be directly involved in the design, execution, analysis, and presentation of group research projects determining the function of genes from completed microbial genomes. A basic foundation in microbiology and genetics is required for this course. Prerequisites: C or better in BLY 301-303 and BLY 314, EH 101 & EH 102.

*Both BLY 314 and BLY 414 follow the CURE (Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience) model. In BLY 314 students spend the semester isolating and identifying a naphthalene degrading bacterium. In BLY 414  they design and execute a project to identify the genes responsible for naphthalene degradation. They present posters describing their work at the end of the semester.

BLY 530 Marine Microbial Ecology: A general survey of the types of microorganisms found in the marine environment. Emphasis will be on the interaction of microorganisms with each other and with their environment. In particular, the role of microorganisms in carbon cycling and biogeochemical processes will be stressed. Readings from current literature will expose students to the latest techniques and research. (Cross listed as MAS 530).

BLY 544 Molecular Biology: This course covers the basic mechanisms by which organisms utilize, maintain and duplicate their genetic information. Topics to be covered include: organization of genes, the mechanisms and regulation of transcription, RNA processing and translation, the packaging of DNA as chromatin and its impact on gene expression, DNA replication, recombination and repair, and genomics and proteomics.

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Source: https://www.southalabamamicrobiology.net/teaching/